Team is the greatest asset, MangoHR Team Software is the secret weapon.

  • Knowing team is half the battle won.
  • With the powerful team overview feature from MangoHR, manage team’s progress, tasks and performance.
  • With real-time data tracking, task management, performance tracking and collaboration features, now easily manage full team and achieve all goals.

Real-Time Data Assessment

  • MangoHR’s team management software provides real-time data tracking.
  • Get info about team, management heads, all running- non-running projects and their deadlines, all at one place. Team Task Tracker.
  • Share, collaborate, cooperate and finish projects on or before last date.
  • Stay up to date with team’s progress, tasks and performance. Easily find who’s meeting regular goals and who needs some extra time and support to get there.

Clear and Concise View of Team

  • MangoHR team management tools and its overview feature, gives a clear and concise view of full team member’s assigned projects, tasks, their individual and group progress.
  • Monitor performance all in one click and screen.
  • This makes it easier to identify areas where your team is excelling and areas that need improvement.

Real-Time Data Tracking

MangoHR’s team overview feature provides real-time data tracking, so you can stay up-to-date with your team’s progress, tasks, and performance. You can easily see who’s meeting their goals and who needs some extra support to get there.


Task Management- Made Easy

  • MangoHR’s team overview feature, gives control to manage team’s tasks in one place.
  • Assign tasks to team members, set deadlines and then track progress. This makes it easier to keep team on track and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Set priority as per project(s) and achieve important tasks and projects first.
  • Easy add/modify list of team members assigned to specific projects.
  • One individual can work in multiple projects simultaneously, without hustle-bustle.

Performance Tracking and Reporting

  • MangoHR’s team overview feature allows to track team’s performance and generate reports accordingly.
  • Identify areas where team is excelling and areas that still need improvement.
  • Use this information to make data-driven decisions and improve your team’s overall performance.

Collabs Made Easy

  • Collaboration between team members is made easy.
  • Team members can easily communicate with each other, share files and work together to achieve common goals. It builds a sense of teamwork and increases productivity.

Resource allocation

With MangoHR, you can easily view the availability of your team members and allocate them to specific projects or tasks.. The resource allocation feature also allows managers to view the utilization rate of their team members, ensuring that they are not overworked or underutilized.



A team management software is a digital platform designed to streamline and optimize multiple aspects of team collaboration, communication and productivity. It serves as a centralized hub where team members can coordinate tasks, share documents, track progress and communicate effectively, regardless of their physical location.

Unique to team management software is its ability to integrate diverse features into a single cohesive platform. These may include task assignment and tracking, time management tools, file sharing capabilities, real-time messaging, video conferencing, and project planning functionalities.

Furthermore, advanced team management software often leverages automation and AI-driven insights to enhance efficiency and decision-making. For instance, it can analyze data to provide performance metrics, predict project timelines, or suggest task prioritization.

One distinguishing feature could be its adaptability to different team structures and industries. Whether it’s agile development teams in software engineering or marketing departments in creative agencies, the software can be customized to fit specific workflows and requirements.

Ultimately, the goal of team management software is to empower teams to collaborate seamlessly, increase productivity, and achieve their goals more efficiently, thereby driving overall organizational success.

The best team planning software combines comprehensive project management capabilities with intuitive user interfaces, customizing options, and robust collaboration features. It stands out by offering a seamless experience that adapts to diverse team dynamics and project complexities.

One unique aspect could be its dynamic scheduling features, allowing teams to adjust plans in real-time based on changing priorities, resource availability, or unforeseen challenges. This could include drag-and-drop functionality (Ghantt Charts) for easy task reassignment, visual timelines that highlight dependencies, and automated notifications for potential conflicts.

Moreover, the software may integrate advanced analytics and reporting tools to provide insights into project progress, resource utilization and potential bottlenecks, empowering teams to make data-driven decisions and optimize their workflows continuously.

Another distinguishing factor could be its scalability, catering to the needs of both small teams and large enterprises, with features like role-based access control, customizable workflows, and seamless integration with other essential business tools.

Ultimately, the best team planning software excels in facilitating efficient planning, execution, and collaboration, enabling teams to achieve their goals with precision and agility.

Team project management tools are digital platforms designed to facilitate collaboration, organization and coordination among team members working on a project. These tools typically include features such as task assignment, scheduling, file sharing, communication channels and progress tracking.

They centralize project-related information, enabling team members to work together efficiently, regardless of location.

Example include MangoHR, which offer customizable workflows, integrations with other software, and reporting capabilities. These tools streamline project workflows, improve transparency, and help teams stay aligned towards achieving project goals effectively and on time.

Team management software offers several advantages, including enhanced collaboration, streamlined communication, and improved task organization.

It centralizes project-related information, making it easily accessible to all team members. With features like task assignment and tracking, it promotes accountability and boosts productivity.

Additionally, it enables remote work by providing virtual collaboration tools. Furthermore, team management software often integrates analytics and reporting functionalities, allowing teams to gain insights into their performance and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

Improving team management involves several key strategies:

  1. Clear Communication: Foster open, transparent communication channels to ensure everyone understands their roles, goals, and expectations.
  2. Set Clear Objectives: Define clear, achievable goals for the team, ensuring alignment with broader organizational objectives.
  3. Encourage Collaboration: Promote a culture of collaboration, where team members share ideas, provide feedback, and work together towards common goals.
  4. Provide Resources: Equip your team with the necessary tools, training, and support to succeed in their roles.
  5. Delegate Effectively: Delegate tasks according to team members’ strengths and expertise, empowering them to take ownership and excel.
  6. Foster Trust: Build trust among team members by being reliable, supportive, and transparent in your leadership approach.
  7. Recognize and Reward: Acknowledge and reward team achievements to boost morale and motivation.
  8. Continuously Improve: Regularly evaluate team performance, solicit feedback, and implement improvements to enhance team effectiveness and efficiency.

It is time to unleash the full potential of your team with MangoHR.

MangoHR team overview feature can help managers and team leaders keep track of their teams progress, identify areas for improvement, and drive better results.