Leave management just got a whole lot easier and fun with MangoHR!

Say goodbye to clunky spreadsheets and hello to streamlined and user-friendly software. Our leave management feature is designed to simplify the process of requesting and approving leaves, so you can focus on what really matters – your employees.

The power of automation & innovation combined into one HRMS software

ake the headache out of leave management and give your HR team a break. MangoHR’s got the tools to handle all the details so you can focus on the bigger picture.

Easy Leave Requests

Save time and effort for more complex tasks demanding time with this fully automated software and increase the overall productivity of the organization.

HR and Finance departments can now divert their full concentration to other important deliverables as MangoHR is there for taking care of employees, their performance, leave and other measurables. It smoothens the overall approval and workflow process between employees and HR management side.

Flexible Leave Types

Save time and effort for more complex tasks demanding time with this fully automated software and increase the overall productivity of the organization.

HR and Finance departments can now divert their full concentration to other important deliverables as MangoHR is there for taking care of employees, their performance, leave and other measurables. It smoothens the overall approval and workflow process between employees and HR management side.

Real-time Leave Tracking

Automatic leave-count and balance feature as per total leaves taken, without hussle-bustle of writing and asking HR now, a big satisfaction for employees.

On the other hand, it is a big relief to HR and Finance departments as they no longer have to calculate manually, with this automated feature they can easily manage and release payrolls.

Secure and Reliable

With MangoHR’s leave management feature, leave requests and approvals can be tracked in   


Managers and employees can view their leave balances and requests on their dashboards, and notifications are sent out for every leave request and approval. Reports can be made using analytics to track leave usage and employee attendance.

Automated leave approvals

With MangoHR’s Leave Management Software, you can set up an automated approval workflow for leave requests. Once an employee applies for leave, the request goes to their manager for approval. The manager can approve or reject the leave request, and the employee gets a notification of the decision.

A leave management system is a software tool that helps organizations keep track of employee leaves, absenteeism, holidays, etc. It is a self-serving portal where employees can request for days off and managers can approve/reject the leave. Its database is used by HR department to record productivity, performance and other parameters of employees, and by finance department for payroll purposes.

Leave management systems define leave policies, mandatory holidays, optional holidays, legal holidays and other leaves as per country’s own legal laws, employee benefits, etc.

Earned Leave (EL) or Privileged Leave (PL)

The employees earn these leaves after working for a particular period in an organisation. The employees can avail these leaves without any salary deductions, provided the employees have prior approval. This leave can be encashed as well. No. of such leave can vary.

Casual Leave (CL)

Type of paid leave granted during an unforeseen event/unexpected situation. It is for short duration- 1 or 2 days, number can vary across organizations.

Sick Leave (SL)

The employees can request these leaves if they fall sick and can’t work. The employees can avail such leaves by providing medical certificate, if the number at a stretch, extends beyond a specific time.

Leave without pay (LWP)/Loss of pay

When the employee exhausts all leaves and still need more, the additional leaves result in loss of pay.

Maternity Leave (ML)

Guided by Maternity Benefits Act, like in India, women employees are eligible for 26 weeks of paid leave during pregnancy, provided they worked for at least 80 days during the 12-month period preceding the delivery date.

Marriage Leave

Not applicable in India.

Paternity Leave

It is leave to the father of a newborn baby. The leave entitlement may vary based on company policies.

Bereavement Leave

It is a leave granted in case of death in family. The leave entitlement may vary between 2 to 20 days based on company policies.

Floating leave

Flexible paid day off, that employee can take on any day of the year.


– To keep records of employee performance.

– For easing internal operations like- appraisals, payroll, productivity, etc.

– To comply with government’s laws for employee benefits, compensation, etc.

– MangoHr( https://mangohr.in/)  service portal makes the process easy and automated, reducing overall time, efforts and budget.

– It is of utmost importance to HR, managers and employees. It bridges the physical gap between different levels and departments of an organization, hence increases compliance and efficiency.

A good leave management software solution must have the following features:

  • Simple leave request making and real time approvals,
  • Automated balance calculations,
  • Efficiency, transparency and accuracy as both employees and management depends on its results.
  • Creating absence reports for payroll processing, tracking time and other needs.
  • Ideally, the solution should be customizable and in compliance with best practices and government laws and policies.
  • No training requirement needed.
  • 24*7 support and help using customer care or AI powered chatbots.
  • Ease of all operations on both sides.
  • Cost friendly, reduces total budget and increases ROI and productivity.
  • Few errors.
  • User friendly, one dashboard managing multiple areas related to employees.
  • Employee self service feature, allows employees to access, manage and monitor HR related information either through web or app.

A process of managing employee requests for taking some time off from work. This depends on employee demands, and may include vacation, holidays, sick leave, parental leave, holiday, etc. The ultimate goal of leave management is enhancing and enriching employee satisfaction and increasing the overall productivity.

MangoHR is available in both versions, as website and mobile app. This is the link of the website https://mangohr.in/, whereas the app can be downloaded from playstore. The app version is latest and fully updated with no bugs. The app is fast and overall connectivity is good.

Streamline your teams time off requests and focus on growth.

Leave management made simple. MangoHR got the perfect blend of features to keep your team time off requests organized and hassle-free.